
Sunday, March 7, 2010

too many scraps!

First, thanks to those of you who have voted for my cousin's project.  I'll definitely let you know if she wins!

On to quilty stuff...not that I've done much this weekend because I've had other things that were more imprortant.  Once I get groceries bought and put away today, I hope to get back to the sewing room.

But as I was sorting through my leftovers, looking for a particular green, I got ambitious and sorted them all by color.  Then I couldn't get them all back into their box.  This sorting made it easier for me to pick fabrics for the swap blocks, but my box still looks like this:

That box is the "sweater" size box.  Some of you are probably giggling at me as hard as we were at Ann when she showed us her pathetic scrap box, but I have a problem.  I am NOT a scrap quilter.  I may use multiple reds in a project, but I'm not a fan of making truly scrappy quilts.  They're beautiful, don't get me wrong, but I have a control issue, I guess, when it comes to color!

What to do?

I've seen a few modern-scrappy-ish quilts I like, but they're so far from anything else I've ever made, I'm not sure I have the confidence to even try one.  And we're all more critical of our own work...

Good thing I have swap blocks to keep me sewing instead of worrying over this bin too much.  Probably one of these nights I'll wake up knowing what these scraps need to be used for...  In the meantime, I have PLENTY of other projects to keep me busy!

Happy quilting,


  1. I am with you on not being good at scrappy quilts. I'd like to challenge myself at making a quilt with only my fabric and I bought a great scrap quilt book...that's still on my shelf. Well the swap blocks are a step in the right direction right?!

  2. Looks like you just need a bigger box or a box for each color. You can always use up scraps on a charity quilt or donate them to a quilt shop that makes charity quilts if you decide you will never actually use them. There is no such thing as too much fabric, even scraps!

  3. That's a serious scrap box Katie! I'm impressed. I love scrap quilts but with some control. Why not try one of those ones that uses colour and white? Take a look at crazymomquilts - there's a link on my blog. In the meantime I'm raiding my fat quarter stash and creating some new scraps. Cheers, Ann :-)

  4. I think you need a bigger box! *grin*
    That's about how my scraps would look if I had them all together! I love to see scrap quilts, and think they are beautiful, but I've never been inspired to make one. I like to start with new fabrics that I get to cut up at that moment without digging around to find something that will fit! I think I'll be forced to try a scrappy one before long, or get covered up! ---"Love"

  5. When I first started quilting I saved my scraps for applique projects. I have made a number of holiday wallhangings with those scraps, but the darn scrap pile is growing too fast. I just went through my scraps and saved a little fabric for applique aqnd sorted the rest out for a scrap quilt. Then the block swap came up and I resorted. I did do one scrappy top and if I can find it I will post a photo.
    Anyway... have fun making more scraps!

  6. Hey, guys, check out Bonnie Hunter's blog. She is a genius when it comes to scrap quilts and you can make the majority of the quilt by the leaders & enders method. I love scraps, but you all know that already!

