
Thursday, March 25, 2010

swap blocks!

I made an accurate prediction - vacation ended and I've done little quilting...

But I HAVE been getting swap blocks, so here's what I've gotten this week:

From Theri:

She drew a Texas on them.  How cool is that?  As if the purples weren't awesome enough.  Thanks Theri!  I love them!

From Marsha:

All those bright colors - so springy (and what I need on a dreary day like today)!  And you would probably all have a good laugh to know how many of these EXACT fabrics are in my stash.  Some in different colors, but some truly exact.  Great minds think alike, right?  Thanks Marsha!  They're fantastic!

From Ruth:

That top one on the right block doesn't photograph well - it's dots in squares.  Very cute, just not photogenic.  Very nice colors making beautiful blocks.  Thanks Ruth!

From Liri:

I love that funky border print!  That's one I would see in the store and love, but pass up because I'd have no idea how to use it.  Good thing people like Liri do because it works great here.  And I see some purple in that other one...yay purple!  Thanks Liri!

Finally, from Joanne:

We all knew she was making hers all in blue (and now she's got to replenish her stash because she's decided she wants to do a blue and white quilt after all...), but they're even better in person.  I love all the beautiful blues - some remind me of a beautiful sky, others of ocean's all good!  Thanks Joanne!

Now I'm left pondering how on earth I'm going to put them together...  Maybe I'll have a good dream and know how to do it?  But know I'm working on an idea.  I'd like to get them together soon!

I hope you're all accomplishing more than I am.  The hubby goes back to work next week and then our lives will settle back to normal.  Having him home and awake evenings is challenging me, though it is nice to have someone to talk to when I get home.  (The cats only say "meow, meow, feed me NOW, meow"!)

Happy quilting,


  1. They do look terrific don't they? I have posted mine to you and Lisa and I'm hoping they will arrive in a week or so. I'm also excited about announcing the next set of winners. Cheers, Ann :-)

  2. They all look great and it will be fun to see how you put them together. There is so much variety in fabrics and colors, this will make a very interesting quilt. I've got to work on the next sets to have them ready for next month.

  3. The blocks look great. What a wonderful collection of colors. Can't wait to see how you put them together.
    Don't worry, I'm sure you will be sewing up a storm next week when the hubby is back to work.

  4. The post office was very efficient - I didn't expect you to get my blocks till at least tomorrow! I'm glad you like them. It's great to see everyone's all together like that, it makes it easier to visualize a whole quilt coming together. -Joanne

  5. I'm sitting here thinking about how each person in the swap is making two blocks that are very similar, and yet when they are sent to each person, everyone of you will have a "unique" quilt. Certainly each quilt will be different from all the others, but with a special tie that binds all of you together. How very exciting that is! Such an experience I'm sure you will never forget! ---"Love"

  6. Look at all those blocks!! Gorgeous. I love how Theri put the state map on there! :) Christine

  7. Mine are on their way too :) I think they are swimming! Karen xx

  8. Oh, I can't wait til its my turn! I think I would like to try an on-point setting and just arrange all the blocks till I like how they look and then just sew. Wait til you see my next batch!

