
Friday, February 12, 2010

Just for fun

I've been slacking and have nothing quilty to post, so how about this instead?  I plan to sew this weekend and hope to have at least a dolly quilt to show by Sunday evening.

I know this has been around, but maybe some of you have not seen it yet.

Tonight the hubby said something that got me thinking about it, then it got stuck in my head.

So here you go:

Once you start it playing, it doesn't stop, so go ahead and close it when you've had enough.

If you're wiping tears from your eyes like I am every time I hear it, enjoy the giggle.  If not, I'm sorry.  I promise to do better next time.



  1. Noooooo---I'd never seen/heard that one before! I had to let it run three times just to catch all those funny lines! I needed a good laugh tonight; that one certainly brought it on! Thanks. (Do you think maybe the person who put that together has too much time on his/her hands? --- *wink*) ---"Love"

  2. HAHAH!!! That is so bizarre and hilarious!! :) Christine

  3. That was a great giggle. Thanks for that.


  4. Well, Katie, you gave me a chuckle before I even hit the play button. The composer is Burton Earny? This silly thing will play in my head all weekend... How's Kitty Cucumber coming along? I thought your idea for the kitty faces was perfect! Thanks for the morning giggle... Mary

  5. Very funny, I think the singer needs some decaf!


  6. LOL. Never saw/heard that before, had to play it several times just because it was fun.

  7. Some folks have way too much time on their hands! *chuckle*
