
Sunday, February 21, 2010

cat toys 101

You've been sewing all afternoon.  Your kitties sit next to you with a longing look, wishing for some attention.  Since they've been so good while you've been making wonderful creations, it's time to do something for them.

What you will need:

Finished quilt

Scraps from trimming finished quilt

Sewing machine
Cat nip

Step 1:  Cut cat toy-sized pieces from scrap fabric.  Cut two approximately same size and same shape for each toy.  These are probably 3 inches square.  They don't have to be perfect.  Cats aren't quilt police.

Step 2: Place pieces wrong-side together and sew around all but one side of pieces.  Use about a 1/4 inch seam allowance.  Leave one side open for stuffing.  Raw edges are okay with kitties (so is raw meat).  Make sure to back-tack at where you start and stop.  We wouldn't want these to pop open!

Step 3: Stuff with leftover batting and catnip.  Make sure you don't put too much in - you still need to get these into your machine to sew them shut.  I like to use a very technical quilting tool called a "nut pick" to get batting into triangle corners.  (It came with the nutcracker, but I don't need 4 per cracker.)

Step 4:  Sew opening shut.  Back-tack at beginning and end again.

Step 5: Test.

Now you have happy kitties!  AND you've used up some scraps that might otherwise be thrown out.  (I save bigger strips for my mom because she makes string quilts and loves my leftovers, so those get sorted out after cat toys, before trash.)

I would like to thank Lexie for helping and Skitter for testing.  Tucker was being aloof and didn't want anything to do with these today.  Luka and Emma have found them now, but were busy napping during their construction.  They are all working together on losing these.

And for fun, lets see what you all make.  Enter your name and link to the post with cat toys below.  (This is my first go with this Mr. Linky, so we'll see how it goes!)



  1. Katie, great tutorial! The kitties made me smile. I need to make some for my sister's cats. And my daughter's cats. Thanks forthe idea.
    Thanks for the smile.

  2. I love the picture of the "helper/inspector". HAHA! :) Christine

  3. Some very happy Kit-Kats indeed. You ahve some wonderful helpers too. Ann :-)

  4. Great idea! Thanks for the instructions. I don't have any kitties but my daughter does. I bet they can use some new toys.


  5. What a great idea! Some of my friends have cats; I may have to try meking some for them. ---"Love"

  6. Okay, so I have my hands full with a crippled doggy for DAYS and you're shopping and making toys without me! Great job, Katie. And how are we doing with the car? We had bugs years ago and loved them. Are you switching to blue? Mary
