
Monday, January 18, 2010

peanut butter cookies

This recipe came from a cookbook my grandma's chuch put together back in 1990.  When my grandma's Alzheimer's got bad enough that she had to go into a nursing home, my parents cleaned out the house and brought me home a big stack of cookbooks.  Most were the 5x7-ish ones you can get in grocery store checkouts, but this was a treasure.  There are notes on recipes in my grandma's handwriting, which I love.

Peanut Butter Cookies

1 c. margarine
1 c. peanut butter
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
2 c. flour
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda

Cream together margarine and peanut butter.  Add sugars and mix well.  Add eggs and vanilla and mix well.  Add flour, salt and baking soda and mix well.  Drop on cookie sheet, press with a sugared fork and bake at 350F for 10-11 minutes.

Actually, the original calls for butter, but I made two batches one night a few years back and asked friends at work to test them.  One was made with butter, one with margarine.  I almost always bake with real butter, but the flavor of butter fought the flavor of the peanut butter and EVERYONE agreed that the margarine version was better, though they didn't know what the difference was.

It's credited to Renee, Rachel, and Angi Fields.  Noone I know, but I thank them wholeheartedly, as these are the best peanut butter cookies I've ever eaten!  They're great warm, cold, plain, dipped in milk...any way you like your cookies!

Coming soon:  Love is Blind...



  1. That recipe is almost identical to mine, and I use margarine too. My family and friends all love them! I like them soft, so when they get a little crisp in the cookie jar, I place a slice of fresh bread on top of them, and the bread dries out, and the cookies get soft! Wish I had one right now! ---"Love"

  2. I love having handwritten recipes or cookbooks with notes written in them. I try to write notes on all my favorite recipes in my books. The cookies look delicious! :) Christine

  3. I've been craving peanut butter cookies, now my mouth is waterning, just reading about them. I'll have to give these a try. Today would be good because it is raining so baking would be fun!


  4. Okay...peanut butter cookies are the last thing I need to be tempted with right now!!!;)
    Glad you found me;) All is well here in the land of enchantment;) I am still working on getting my site up and organized...having to learn new stuff;)
    happy quilting!

  5. I used to bake a lot, but not too much anymore, but I would be happy to taste test anything you bake. (haha). Love peanut butter cookies.

  6. They look melt in the mouth! How marvellous to have your grandmother's hand written notations in the cookbook. Priceless. Ann :-)
