
Thursday, September 12, 2019

a long post...

It's been more than two weeks and, as those of you who know me guessed, a lot has happened.

I'll start with the hardest part first.

Because the details hurt, I will summarize to say that over the holiday weekend kitty Lexie took a turn for the worse.  Emma had also been having increasing health issues.  So we decided that Wednesday, after 15 happy years with them, we would say goodbye to both together.  They were littermates and spent their entire lives together, so, hard as it was, we decided this was the best decision.

These are the last photos of each that I have and I am happy to see that in both they were having a good time.  (Lexie inspecting a quilt and Emma inspecting cat toys that were sent to a friend.)

But on to happier things!  (Because I can only cry so much...)

I'm going to try to do a quick update on everything...

Projects that were in the works before the tragedy:

100 blocks - blocks 59-76 have been completed.

I'm getting tired of these, but nearing the end.

Adrian's quilt - top minus borders has been completed.  Yesterday I purchased fabrics for the borders and binding.

Purple will be a skinny inner border and binding.  Blue will be a wider, outer border.  First on my list of quilty chores today.

Kae's baby quilt - top, including embroidering antennae has been completed, awaiting quilting and attachment of buttons for antennae balls.

And how perfect is my finger for an antennae template?

Ongoing projects that get random attention:

Tiny stars - working as leader-enders for 100 blocks and getting a lot done.

This is not all of them completed recently, but I didn't feel like laying them out only to have to pick them up again in a few seconds after the photo.  But you get the idea!

Bird Seeds quilt - prepping "seeds" (finally) for a road trip in the near future.

I would love to be able to put this one together soon.  It's been waiting too long!

New projects:

Little Miss Sawtooth - a quilt-along I joined on a whim.  Currently in "step 1" phase.

As you can see, I'm using the same fabrics from Adrian's quilt.  Because I bought way too much.  I have an idea where this quilt will go, but I'll save that for another day.  Coloring sheet is just an idea.  Actual fabrics/colors to be determined.

Jordan's quilt - for a cousin's daughter for her college apartment.

Fabric has been purchased and washed.  I plan to make the Yellow Brick Road pattern and hope to get started on it today.  (I wanted simple because it's due at Christmas!)  Colors selected by the cousin, it will be a surprise for her daughter.

Hands2Help 2020 September project - leftovers that have been staring at me.

Leftover trimmings (and some leftover yardage) from Chelsie's baby quilt finally made it into a small baby quilt.  Note - do not trim setting triangles, no matter how too big they seem, before construction is finished...see middle photo!  Still needs to be quilted, but binding has been made.

Quilts I plan to start soon:

Single Girl Quilt Along - starts this coming Monday.  I have ordered the pattern (which is technically called the "Free Wheeling Single Girl Quilt" because of upgrades to the original "Single Girl" pattern) and am excited because this one has been on my bucket list since forever.  I still have to decide on fabrics and stuff, but whatever.  There's time.

Farm Girl Vintage 2 Quilt Along - starts November 1st.  Lori Holt's new book came out this week and she will be doing a quilt along to compliment the book.  I got my book yesterday and can't wait to start!  Fabric selection, etc, to be determined.

So there you have it.  Lots going on in my sewing room.  I have an actual list pinned to the wall to remind me if I decide I don't have enough to do what to work on!

And with that, I am going to head up to the sewing room!  Borders await!

Happy quilting,

PS I promise to try to post more frequently in the future.


  1. Katie, I'm so sorry to hear you had to say goodbye to Lexie and Emma but I know they had 15 very happy years with you. You have lots of wonderful memories of both of them.

    Your 100 blocks are looking good but I can understand how much you are looking forward to having this project finished. The fabrics in Adrian's quilt are so pretty, I think it will be a hit! The bees on the baby quilt are adorable. You are so clever to use your finger to draw the antennae! Tiny stars are coming along, too, they are so cute! You are making progress on the birdseed project, that will be pretty, too. Little Miss Sawtooth is making good progress, too. Great way to use those pretty fabrics. Jordan's quilt looks like another nice project, can't wait to see it grow. The Hands2Help project is another great use of the leftover fabrics, so colorful! The two new quilt alongs look like fun, especially the Farm Girl Vintage 2 one. Lori does such cute designs. Now you have me looking at the book on Amazon. You have had so much keeping you busy, enjoy yourself!

  2. Oh, Katie - I am SO sorry to hear about Lexie and Emma - I'm sending you a HUGE hug!! And ditto to what Marsha B said on everything else - ;))

  3. With all the upcoming projects you have laid out there, you had better be heading up to the sewing room! That's for sure! And no breaks or meals or sleep any time soon!! Adrian's quilt will be much loved for sure. I can relate your being tired of those 100 blocks though they are all pretty. I remember how tired I got of those Moda Blockheads I did a couple of years ago; still can't get motivated to quilt it even though I bought a backing. It will be fun following along as you make progress on everything. Sorry about losing your cat; that's tough alright. I remember how sad I was when I had to have my two dogs put down several years ago, but I'm glad I was able to do it --- for them; they were so old and crippled. ---"Love"

  4. Katie,

    You have my sympathy for your loss and the hard decision that comes with it. It's definitely tough, but I have found that my other cats have helped me through the loss of one of them, hopefully yours are helping too.

    I really like how the quilt for your niece is coming together. And because I failed to comment back then, I do love how your book quilt came together. Definitely was giving me some thoughts for my reading area...

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about Lexie and Emma. That had to have been a tough decision, but a loving one too.

    Your productivity continues to astonish me. So much pretty eye candy in progress in one post. I couldn't possibly choose a favourite. Those cute bees come in pretty close though!
